Even if you don’t always comply with speed limits, you should use common sense and adjust your speed according to the conditions of the road, traffic, weather and your skills, regardless if you’re driving a car, a truck or a motorcycle, making sure you keep a safe distance from other rides.

Of course, you can choose not to, but then don’t complain if you find yourself in the same situation as this UK (?) motorcyclist, who should be extremely pleased to have made it out alive from this incident.

The rider was zipping through cars on the highway when traffic piled up and he didn’t have enough room or time to slow down and as a result, he almost became the ham between a truck sandwich…

This is what the rider said about the accident: “Brakes lock and I go between 2 lorries. Car with hazards on before I hit tells me they just suddenly stopped with no lights which was why he popped hazards on. Was very lucky.”

Watch the video after the break.