Check out this crazy paint job on a Nissan Skyline S2 R33 from the United Kingdom that has had a whole-body re-spray done using only special temperature-sensitive paint that, like mood rings, changes color depending on conditions.

The cost of the paint is the equivalent of $320 per liter, and the West Yorkshire body shop that did the job, Auto Kandy, is currently taking pre-orders for those interested.

The effect you get is a distinctly black finish when stone cold, then as things gradually heat up, its hue moves more towards the color orange – as you can see in the opening photo, pouring cold water over it or the heat from one’s palm are sufficient to trigger the reactive paint to work its magic.

Usually, this kind of paint is used for details, to emphasize certain delicate airbrushed features or to bring flames to life, so its application over the entire body of a car is a unique proposition and something we haven’t really seen before. There’s a video posted below showing what it looks like in detail.

Keep in mind, though, that its properties fade in time, and the more it has to work and change, it will get progressively weaker in its reaction – you won’t be able to pass it on to your grand kids and tell them to keep it as is…

By Andrei Nedelea

Story References: Jalopnik and Cnet