You may think the following report is actually from a comedy movie, but it’s as real as it gets. A Belgian policewoman pulled over the driver of a Renault Espace on Saturday night for an alcohol check, but failed to notice one essential fact: the car was a right hand drive vehicle and she was talking to the passenger.

The distracted officer didn’t notice the female passenger had no steering wheel in front of her and proceeded to test her for alcohol consumption, while the actual driver, who had a couple of beers earlier in the day, escaped the check.

“That was a few hours before the check, but if I had to blow, it would have been close. When my wife opened her window down, everything went according to routine. ‘Would you mind blowing, ma’am,’ asked the officer. My wife did, although she could barely blow because of the giggles. However, the agent did not notice anything,” driver Patrick Van Den Kieboom told Gazet van Antwerpen.

As the test was negative, the policewoman then congratulated the passenger for not drinking and wished her a safe trip.

The owner said he imported the Espace from the UK a year and a half ago.

By Dan Mihalascu

Story References: AutoblogNL

