In November of 2012, Michael Elli was pulled over by the Ellisville (Missouri) Police who cited him for having flashed his headlights to warn incoming cars that there’s a radar set up ahead. Apparently, it was a punishable offense that even carries a financial penalty of $1,000, as Elli later found out, after having driven for 35 years without being accused of any kind of traffic violation whatsoever.

This is not new or limited to the US.

The case was taken to court and now it’s been ruled by a St. Louis judge that Mr. Elli, a retiree, was in fact, right, and that flashing one’s lights to alert of police presence is perfectly legal and a form of free speech which should not actively discouraged.

Cops in the jurisdiction have now been ordered to cease the practice and this is believed to have more significant ramifications around the country, where the right to freely move the left stalk is infringed upon (Alaska, Arizona, Maryland, North Dakota and others where the law leaves more room for interpretation and the act is not always accompanied by coercive police measures, but it can – there’s even a map, here).

For the complete story, do check out the Fox video posted below.

By Andrei Nedelea