So, The Crew is officially out as a closed beta that will be playable until July 25. It lacks much of the final game’s functionality and features, but it does allow players to explore the entire expansive map – basically, a highly compressed version of the US.

Looking at the game played, you will immediately notice, even without so much as viewing the controller, that it’s heavily arcade-biased when it comes to physics and handling. It’s not a bad thing, but just something you should be aware of beforehand.

The graphics are also okay, but not on par with the prettiest titles out there – textures look a bit washed out and this doesn’t necessarily always bode well with the exaggerated lighting and HDR that are being used in conjunction; it’s like objects have their own halo at times…

It would be premature to judge the game without its missions or important multiplayer and car customization components, but this early taste has made the game’s profile much clearer.

By Andrei Nedelea