Ferraris are known for their beauty, speed and magnificently sounding engines, but in recent years, also for a suspiciously high number of fiery incidents, one of which occurred in Malaysia today.

A red Ferrari 430 caught fire for unbeknownst reasons in Kuala Lampur on Wednesday evening during rush hour, with the New Straits Times reporting that, while the car was completely destroyed, the driver and his female companion escaped unscathed.

“Upon arriving at the scene at 6.17pm, firemen noticed that it was completely burnt,” said a from the Fire and Rescue Department. “The department’s forensic team was also notified, to help identify the cause of the fire.”

Over the years, we’ve reported on a number of Ferrari fires, including three FFs, and several 458 Italias in the case of which, the Italians recalled 1,148 cars.

Hat tip to Daniel T.!

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