Koenigsegg is definitely increasing the visibility of its brand through the announcement of a highly-innovative hybrid hypercar that promises to shame the current trio from Ferrari, Porsche and McLaren. However, many people probably don’t know what the brand is and for that reason they put out a video which adds the necessary context.

And actually, it could have been longer and more explicit than it actually is. It features Christian von Koenigsegg, the founder of the company and its driving force, who explains what the core values are. It seems that the goal within the company is to push technology as far as it can go, and always try to improve it even if it’s already better than the competition’s.

Don’t forget, Koenigsegg is a small company compared to rivals, so what it achieves with far fewer resources than the big boys is astounding. I think there mainstream brand whose cars are less well flushed out than this…
