While the new Tucson may be a reasonably priced and sharp-looking compact SUV, some might struggle to find it as cool as Hyundai would have you believe it is.

During this commercial, the Tucson performs well during this improvised obstacle course made out of sand, though the fact that they sped the car up during editing doesn’t really help its case. In fact, it makes it look a bit ridiculous at times.

While customers generally appreciate helpful tech such as blind-spot monitoring and lane departure warning, they’ll probably never need to enter their car into some crazy American Ninja Warrior-styled competition, just to see how agile it is.

And to think that the video started off really promising with the crew having to dig up the driver and the car from underneath all that sand. That was probably somewhat fake as well, since a lot of fast-paced editing was going on.

Another thing we don’t get to see is what happens when the Tucson suddenly comes face to face with the bulldozer. They only show us the driver swerve and then the car spinning and coming to a halt.

Overall, we could give them props for effort but the whole thing just feels extremely inauthentic, not to mention unnecessary.