Some accidents are simply unavoidable, but when someone willingly puts their life at risk for no apparent purpose, things get unpardonable.

Take this cyclist that t-boned a train, for instance. The impatient man preferred to risk his life by jumping the lights at level crossing, instead of waiting a few seconds for the train to pass.

With complete disregard for his own safety, the cyclist miscalculated the train’s speed and suffered the consequences. If it wasn’t for pure luck, then he wouldn’t have live to tell the tale.

According to the video description, the train’s speed was “between 120 and 140 km/h” (74 – 87 mph) – enough to cause quite a blow to the cyclist. As you’d imagine, the collision was violent and send the cyclist flying, knocking him unconscious in the process. Fortunately, the 26-year old survived the ordeal, suffering only minor injuries.

Still, the accident didn’t absolve him from traffic rules and penalties. According to Sky News, the man was fined $178 for ignoring the red light.

Disclaimer: The contents of the following video may seem disturbing to some.