With every single Model S summon video out to demonstrate that the system simply works, this Tesla owner actually had to call his car away from a puddle.

Aside from the video being annoyingly filmed in portrait mode from a distance, the owner of the car does ask a valid question: Ever walk back to your car and found it in a big puddle?

Unless you live in a place where it hardly ever rains or where there never are any drainage issues, then yes, you’ve surely had to walk over to your car at least once in your life while getting your feet wet for whatever reason.

The summon feature on the Model S seems to work like a charm in such situations and should help you stay dry while your car is either coming to you, or removing itself from the puddle and stopping in an area from which you can safely climb in.

One scenario where we’d imagine that the system would be pointless is if the entire street is flooded and there’s nowhere for your car to go. But other than that, the system should keep you dry in most situations, whether we’re talking puddles or rain.