For reasons unknown, this motorcycle rider needed to say something to the occupants of the VW, but in turn, this distracted him from the road ahead.

The video starts off with the rider trailing the car and immediately making his way to the driver’s side window in order to warn the occupants to “watch themselves”, as if they did something wrong.

To be fair, we can’t know what happened at any prior time to the start of the clip, so perhaps he had a valid reason to speak up, but of course that’s just speculation.

What we do know for a fact is that moments after engaging the motorists, the rider crashes, and because of the somewhat ironic course of events, whoever edited this clip thought that it was a Seinfeld-theme worthy moment.

Now, while we get the irony, there’s nothing actually funny about somebody hurting themselves, especially since it looked like a pretty hard fall, despite the low speed.