Old pipes placed underground by regimes long past are subject to the strain of time, just like any metallic structure which is exposed to the difficult subterranean environment – Russian pipes don’t age well.

Proof for this is the barely visible Lada Kalina sedan, which its owner found nose-down in a pool of water, in a place they once used to call a street. Apparently, the burst pipe filled surroundings with water, and ultimately made the concrete and tarmac crumble. The water appears to have been quite hot (hence the steam), a factor which undoubtedly quickened the process.

Thankfully, the Lada Kalina is a hardy car, with simple electronics and engineering. They’ll just drag it out of the hole, let it dry for a while, then fire it right up. This is the Russian equivalent of Top Gear trying to destroy a Toyota Hilux pickup…

The problem is common in the city of Samara, home to more than a million people, as you will discover in the video posted after the break.

By Andrei Nedelea

Photo Credits: EnglishRussia

