There’s nothing groundbreaking in the technology used to create the Hoverbike, the first vehicle of its kind ever. There’s no mercury-based antigravity here, just good old fashioned propellers (four of them) and a distinctly motorbike-esque fuselage/body.

The project is still fairly early in its Kickstarter phase, but it does seem to be gaining support. However, looking through the project’s page, it seems to be more about drones than flyking motorbikes, really, and it seems as if they first want to sell you a few of those before they can raise the money to make it in full-scale.

So far we’re intrigued, but we’re not yet blown away. If they can make this into a stable, safe and fun vehicle to fly around in cheaply and easily, then yes, then we’ll be impressed. So far we’re just hearing a lot of talk about drones and not enough about the actual thing that they’re trying to get funded…
