We’re now on the verge of being hit with a double helping of the Mad Max universe: there’s the game which wasn’t all that impressive at first sight and the much more promising Fury Road movie.

The latter is set to hit theaters this summer and judging by what we’ve seen in the teasers, if the plot and characters don’t pull it through, the artsy style of filming/postprocessing will – even watching the short trailers is a treat in itself, if you’re into over the top action and distinctive visual styles, that is; we can’t know for sure how much is CGI (probably a lot), but it sure looks pretty…

It’s directed by George Miller, the man behind Happy Feet… and Happy Feet 2, with more experience writing TV series. Max is played by Tom Hardy co-starred by Charlize Theron playing the role of “Imperator Furiosa.”

Check out the trailer after the virtual jump!
