For those of you familiar with the Need For Speed racing game series, you will know that cops have an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) blast at their disposal, which is used to disable the electronics of the cars being chased. Well that’s not science fiction at all, and in real life situations, it seems to work in pretty much the same way it did in the game.

Check up this video, which we found on the official YouTube channel of NATO. It details how EMPs can be used very effectively in real life to stop a car dead in its tracks, remotely, and from a relatively safe distance.

The technology is currently being tested and developed in Norway, a country that has had some security problems in the past, one of which involved an actual car bomb that was planted outside the office of the country’s prime minister.

It seems very useful in preventing some really atrocious acts, so we hope it saves lives as it was intended, and not used offensively (like in the aforementioned game). The video is posted below.

By Andrei Nedelea

Story References: NATO via Popsci