Although Uber chief executive Travis Kalanick recently stepped down from Donald Trump’s economic advisory council, Tesla CEO Elon Musk is remaining committed to his role with the advisory council.

In a statement issued on his Twitter account late last week, Musk expressed his objection to the President’s executive order on immigration and said that being involved with Trump’s advisory forum doesn’t mean he agrees “with actions by the Administration.”

On Saturday, Musk reaffirmed this by posting on Twitter, “At my request, the agenda for yesterday’s White House meeting went from not mentioning the travel ban to having it be first and foremost.”

He also said that during the meeting he raised climate change, an issue that Trump has vehemently denied in the past saying that the concept was simply created by China to hurt U.S. manufacturing.

This morning, Musk also said that it is important for moderates to advise the President rather than only letting “extremists” advise him.

Musk’s defence of his position comes after a number of prospective customers cancelled their $1,000 orders for the Model 3.