Using a very fast sports or super car as part of the lineup of rides the police have at their disposal is not really all that new. The Italians, the Germans, the British and even the Romanians have really fast vehicles which you simply could not outrun, and now there’s a new kid on the block, this time from the Middle East.

The Dubai police force has just put its hands on a brand new Lamborghini Aventador, which has been converted into a high-speed patrol car. We may be mistaken here, but isn’t this the most expensive cop car in the world?

The announcement for the car came via the Dubai Police’s Twitter profile, and people immediately began searching for videos and photos of it – a lot of interest was aroused. Now, according to Aljazeera, it won’t really be used to chase law-breakers, and it is more of a parade car – an image booster and tourist attraction.

However, it is not the only piece of new metal given to the Dubai cops, as reports indicate that “some” Chevy Camaros were also added. We expect these to actually be used as very fast patrol cars, and not the new Lambo.

Lamborghini screenshots courtesy of Cipiripilala / YouTube

By Andrei Nedelea