In the world of non-premium car manufacturers, earning an award for vehicle dependability can be a big accomplishment, especially when your competitors pride themselves on having similar attributes.

Hyundai was named no.1 in CarMD’s Vehicle Index Manufacturer & Vehicle Reliability Rankings, for its lower than average repair costs and very low repair frequency among all car makers, a list that includes the likes of Toyota, Honda, Ford, Chrysler, KIA, GM, Mazda, Nissan and VW.

The CarMD Index ranks the top 10 manufacturers, top 100 vehicles, top three vehicles by category and common repairs by vehicle make. In 2015, the rankings identified the most reliable cars from more than 3,800 different models (built over the last 20 years), with analysis of more than 251,000 reported occurrences between October 1, 2014 and September 30, 2015.

Frank Ferrara, executive VP of Customer Satisfaction Hyundai Motor America said that “Hyundai earning the top spot in this year’s CarMD Vehicle Health Index shows our commitment to designing vehicles with strong durability, quality and reliability. When compared with other automakers, Hyundai owners had fewer trips to the repair shop. Furthermore, our pledge to exceptional customer service and owner satisfaction is backed by Hyundai Assurance, offering peace of mind to our owners for vehicle health.”

Last year, the award went to Honda, which could only manage 3rd place behind Hyundai and Toyota in 2015. GM dropped from 4th to 7th, while Ford secured 4th place nailing the lowest average repair cost (parts & labor).

In order to see the full Index, as well as other archived reports, check out this link. Seeing things like detailed regional repair costs and even hybrid repair costs can be quite eye-opening for potential buyers.

Source: CarMD