We’ve seen bears breaking into and raiding cars for food before, but this big fella somehow managed to lock himself inside a vehicle in Jefferson County, Colorado, on Tuesday morning. And of all cars, it had to be a Subaru Outback, of course…

Authorities were notified about the medium-sized bear with Deputies Josh Tillman and McLaughlin responding to the scene. One of the officers filmed the bizarre encounter.

“Okay…How did he get in, I don’t see a broken window?” says one of the deputies in the video that was posted on YouTube. “Yeah, stay away from me bear!”

The officers then popped up the tailgate with the bear making a quick run for it. The deputies believe that the large animal entered the Subaru through an unlocked door, while based on the amount of moisture on the windows, they think it was in there for a while.

The owner of the car, Annie Bruecke, admitted that she had left the doors unlocked, something she claims that she doesn’t typically do. According to Kare11, the woman was notified about the strange occupant in the car by her stunned mother.

While no windows were broken, the bear destroyed the interior of the Outback.
