We’re sorry to say that, not everyone behaves conscientiously behind the wheel. That applies to sports car drivers at much as it does to the rest of us. Like the owner of this Corvette.

This white C7 Z06 (if our eyes don’t deceive us) appears to have been parked in the middle of the lot, apparently blocking in others (including a Lamborghini and an Audi R8).

If indeed true, that’s a d!ck move, if we’ve ever seen one. And while we wouldn’t advocate vandalizing or otherwise damaging someone else’s car, we can’t help but feel this guy (or gal) had it coming to him (most likely him) whatever he (let’s be honest) had coming.

See what happens when another driver in another piece of American muscle (in the form of a dually HD pickup) sets about removing the obstacle. Just be advised that the narration may not be safe for work, and the honking car alarm isn’t likely to win you any fans in a shared workspace environment either.