An unlicensed teenage driver “borrowed” his mom’s Porsche Cayenne in Vancouver, Canada, only to hit a parked car and then flee the scene.

This video was taken by a neighbor and shows the driver trying to fit the luxury SUV into a narrow garage with little to no success, at least not in the beginning. Police were able to use this footage to track down the car and charge the teen with offenses which include driving without a license and the hit and run of a parked car.

According to CBC, it all went down on June 16 on West 32nd Av between Oak and Granville. VPD Const. Brian Montague said that the kid’s mother was out of town and he decided to take the car out for a ride. “It was a bad decision to start with and then a decision made much worse by not taking responsibility,” said Montague. “He’s lucky he’s not facing criminal charges.”

The constable also said that the teen would have received a $276 CAD ($212 US) ticket for driving without a license had he not fled the scene, whereas now he not only has to deal with the ICBC but also his mom.

Montague said that even his fellow officers were stunned by the kid’s inability to drive the car. “It clearly shows someone panicking. Someone who doesn’t know what to do.”

Judging by this video, we’d can’t help but agree and feel sorry for the Porsche and its owner.