If you thought road trains were already pretty intimidating down under, wait until you see one launch its trailer at you.

We aren’t sure why that trailer detached from the truck in the first place, but what we’ll bet is that the driver of that dashcam car got a proper scare while maneuvering to avoid a head-on collision of Mad Max proportions.

Normally, trailers are equipped with a braking function that helps them stop in the event of a separation. In this case. however, even if the system worked (no evidence of that), it still wouldn’t have mattered had that car not gotten out of the way in time.

It was a good thing the driver of the car had a clear view of incoming traffic. For instance, had a large semi been driving ahead of the dashcam car obstructing its view, well, you can imagine how that could have made avoiding the trailer a lot more difficult.

Which is why we hope there wasn’t anybody driving right behind the dashcam car in the first place.