Forget the Morgan Three Wheeler, this is way… cheaper.

If you don’t have the appropriate funds to purchase an original Morgan Three Wheeler, you can try this velomobile.

Velo… what? Velomobile; it’s practically a bicycle-car. It looks dangerous and fragile mainly because its source of inspiration was the original three-wheeler model. And because it’s basically a bicycle.

Mind you, Ekomobil – the company in charge of building this awesome thing – states that the vehicle was built on the technical drawings of the original Morgan.

Measuring 2.5-metres in length and weighing only 60 Kg, it can be mated with an optional 48-volt hub electric motor, which outputs 1000 W. That’s about 1.3 Horses, which makes it go up to a top speed of 40 km/h (25 mph).

The electric motor is capable of an autonomy of 30 to 40 km (19 to 25 miles), but the conventional human-powered mode can be used – where the person sitting in it must pedal to keep it moving – if the vehicle runs out of juice.

The interior is pretty basic, similar to a soapbox racer. Okay, the wood veneer, the synthetic leather on the seat and the quartz watch on the dash are some nice finishing touches. A little on the cheap side, but nice nonetheless. At least it has an awesome looking steering wheel.

The velomobile is built in Minsk, Belarus, and the company is willing to offer other three and four wheeled high-fidelity copies of vintage cars.

According to Gizmodo, a Morgan-replica Ekomobil costs between €2,500 and €3,000, which is about $2,800 to $3,370 (depending on options). It doesn’t come cheap, but at least it’s cheaper than a Three Wheeler.