Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas and solo recording artist has been known for having an affinity with the auto industry. So much so in fact, that he created his own brand of cars dubbed ‘IAMAUTO’ (get it?).

While we can’t say his design isn’t “creative,” it’s essentially just a customized DeLorean DMC by the mad scientists at West Coast Customs.

That aside, some unfortunate news of the vehicle arrived late last night when Mr. Am’s reportedly $700,000 IAMAUTO was IAM-stolen from his album release party.

He revealed on Monday through his Twitter feed (quite blatantly) that it had gone missing, along with a picture of Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls posing with his soon to be “stolen” car hours before.

“My car was stolen…what the f##k…” and “#givemebackmycar this joke is getting old.”

After reportedly calling LAPD about the incident, it was found out that Will.I.Am had given the car to valet before the party had started. After what we assume to be a few (or a lot) of drinks later, Will stumbled out onto the sidewalk not remembering he had given the keys to the valet, oops.

Thankfully, the valet wanted nothing to do with it and kept the time machines keys safe until they re-opened in the morning

By Jeff Perez

Story Reference: Autoblog.nl, Jalopnik via Twitter