Driving laws vary a lot from area to area, so much so that you could end up being caught doing something illegal that will send you to jail, even though you were actually trying to play by the rules and felt like you had wronged nobody.

The video posted below courtesy of CarThrottle, exemplifies a few of these legislative oddities, pointing them out in their usual humorous fashion. It’s pretty obvious that some are either reminiscent from a past age and the lawmakers forgot to phase them out, but others, like the one that has you paying parking if you leave an elephant next to a parking meter seems like common sense to us…

Feel free to add any additional ones you may think of that are relevant. They can be from your area or ones that you know about and find amusing yourself.

For instance, in the US state of Oregon, it’s illegal to leave your door open for “longer than necessary.”

By Andrei Nedelea