Being invited to watch the men’s final of the Wimbledon tennis championships from the Royal Box is a big thing, and Lewis Hamilton was one of the few who had this privilege this year.

However, the reigning Formula 1 World Champion didn’t quite make the most of it, as he ignored one basic rule for guests invited to the Royal Box: the dress code. More specifically, Hamilton failed to comply with the requirement that men should wear a jacket, tie and shoes.

The result was that the Formula One star was denied entry to the exclusive VIP area where actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Bradley Cooper and Hugh Grant were spotted, which meant he couldn’t watch the final between Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic.

“Due to an unfortunate misunderstanding regarding the dress code, Lewis is very disappointed to have missed the final,” a representative for the racing driver said. Before the final, Lewis Hamilton posted a photo on his Instagram account with the invitation to the Royal Box and a guide for guests which most likely included details about the dress code.

However, a photo he posted from Wimbledon showed that his outfit lacked a jacket and a tie. A spokesman for Wimbledon confirmed Hamilton had arrived for the match but did not stay. “If he came without a jacket, tie or shoes he would have had two choices – not staying or going to get some extra stuff,” the representative said.

Story references: Motorsport


Wimbledon. ??

A photo posted by Lewis Hamilton (@lewishamilton) on Jul 12, 2015 at 6:46am PDT

On my way to Wimbledon to watch the final! Honoured to have been invited to watch the men’s finals from the Royal Box! ??

A photo posted by Lewis Hamilton (@lewishamilton) on Jul 12, 2015 at 5:45am PDT