The more we learn about the upcoming Need for Speed game, the more intrigued we are.

From choosing five distinct story-lines within the game, to the promised extensive customization options and unique night time-only vibe, it’s shaping up nicely so far.

A bunch more details were released as the game was showed off at Gamescom 2015. We got a better look at gameplay, as well as the technique for blending actual footage with actors and the computer generated cars and backgrounds.

It’s still far too early to make any kind of judgment, but we do have EA’s press conference from Gamescom to shed extra info. The only thing we’re afraid of is that the driving might not be all there.

This sadly feels like a game where the balance may have been shifted very noticeably towards arcade driving physics. All games preceding it have felt that way and this one will probably do too, but maybe they could go for a milder formula, like the one in Forza Horizon or the Test Drive Unlimited games.
