Petrolheads usually start liking cars early in life, but this little girl absolutely loves them.
Forget about a puppy, give her a DeLorean instead!

From a kid’s perspective, the DMC-12 may just very well be the coolest car ever. With the stainless steel body and gullwing doors, it looks like it came straight from a 10-year-old’s imagination; all it lacks are a couple of rockets, a cannon, and a ray-gun.

So, imagine your folks owning such a car when you were a kid. Wouldn’t that instantly make you the coolest being on the block (and on earth)?

This little girl’s parents brought her to see a DeLorean for the very first time, and she was pretty euphoric to begin with, taking pictures of the car and posing next to it. She even warned her father not to touch the DeLorean, but little did she know it was their car.

The real surprise came after she learned the truth, but not before her dad trolled her a little bit by opening the car, and even starting it. Needless to say, her reaction was priceless.

H/T to Jalopnik!