Remember when a massive fiberglass sculpture of Jeremy Clarkson’s head was spotted on the back of a truck? Well the 6-foot monstrosity has resurfaced in a garden in Manchester.

As it turns out, Clarkson’s head, as well as sculptures of James May and Richard Hammond’s heads, were awarded as prizes for a Twitter competition. May’s sculpture now rests in the garden of a Surrey resident while Hammond’s is in Newport.

The three heads traveled around the world from Sydney, Los Angeles, Seattle, Amsterdam and London to promote The Grand Tour. It is thought that the heads will remain with their current owners for three weeks before finding their way into other UK gardens.

Speaking to The Telegraph about winning Clarkson’s head, 15-year-old Zohaib Alam said “I tweeted the show after I saw the competition and suddenly I got a tweet back to say our front garden was big enough for Jeremy Clarkson’s head.

“I know Jeremy Clarkson has got a big head but we said it would fit after we found out the dimensions. It was amazing when we found out that we had won. It’s the first time we’ve won anything.”