Shortly after Tesla’s market value exceeded that of Ford, company founder Elon Musk decided to have some fun with short sellers of the brand’s stocks.

Taking to Twitter in his usual style, Musk tweeted “Stormy weather in Shortville…” in a jab to those who have bet against the automaker in recent months and years despite Musk’s ambitions to reinvent the industry.

On Monday, Tesla’s investor value rose to a record $45 billion, slightly ahead of Ford’s current $45 billion valuation. News of this surge came shortly after Tesla announced that it delivered 25,000 vehicles in the first quarter and after Ford recorded a sluggish first quarter where sales fell by 7.2 per cent.

Despite Tesla’s value, Ford is still a much better money making enterprise at the moment. In fact, over the last five years, Ford has reported net income of $26 billion compared to the $2.3 billion Tesla has lost in the same time period.