Vehicles are, without a doubt, the main source of revenue for car makers.

Merchandise, though, is a very nice way of boosting your income – provided of course that you’re a premium brand whose products will be sought after by customers.

Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche and pretty much every premium automaker sell all kinds of stuff, from luggage to pens and toys to pencils. If you own one of their cars, you might like a nice jacket or cap to match your ride. Even if you don’t, though, you can still buy something that bears the logo of your favorite brand.

Case at point: BMW has just launched its Lifestyle Collections merchandise, which are available both online, at and at selected dealers.

All in all, there are four different lines, named BMW Collection, BMW M Collection, BMW Kids Collection and BMW Miniatures to choose from. They comprise of 19 items to choose from, such as jackets, messenger bags and cufflinks.

You can browse them on the gallery that follows and maybe pick up something while you’re waiting for your M4 to arrive – or not…

By Andrew Tsaousis

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