Adding wheels to a car-like shape definitely ruins that design’s purity, so artist Sylvain Viau decided to ditch wheels and render cars to look like they’re levitating of the ground.

Not a new idea, obviously, but this time it focuses on cars from the 1980s or newer.

Some of the cars/hover-pods look a bit forced, like that Toyota Aygo and the BMW 5-Series, but others seem spot on; special emphasis on the Citroens which do appear to have been designed without wheels in mind in the first place and the Fiat X1/9 which also works really well – it looks like a small powerboat.

Even the Peugeot 206 looks okay wheel-less…

Sylvain only photographed his own and his friend’s cars, hence the variety of models and shapes. Check them out in the gallery posted after the virtual jump!

Via Designboom

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