You won’t like Just Cause 3 if you’re exclusively into simulation titles, as it is ridiculously unrealistic, but it does look like all styles of action movies rolled into one single gaming title.

I mean jumping into the air from the ground with no help, then deploying the parachute and gliding around, then grappling onto a helicopter and climbing abroad before finally skydiving into the sea is one example of what could happen in 30 seconds of game time.

The game recently got a trailer that highlights the means through which you can create chaos in the game’s politically incorrect tropical island paradise.

It’s set to launch December 1 for Xbox One, PlayStation and PC. Square Enix, the publisher for the game announced earlier this year that those who bought the game for Xbox One would also receive a backwards-compatible Xbox360 version of the previous installment, Just Cause 2, for free.

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