We’re sure a very persistent question in everyone’s mind is whether a 50 caliber bullet can stop a running 5.4-litre V8 Triton.

For the sake of finding out what a fairly large bullet can make of a car’s engine, the guys from the Youtube channel FullMag took a Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle straight to a Ford F-150’s 5.4-litre V8 “beating heart”.

But why on earth would someone do such a thing, you might ask? Well, according to Richard Ryan (the vehicle’s owner), the Ford started to show signs of wear, and the quotes to fix it were higher than its worth. So, instead of scraping it and whatnot, the man decided to give it a proper send away.

But what was initially thought as quick and painless demise turned out to be more agonizing for the truck, as it refused to stop working even after it got hit multiple times. Still, according to FullMag, even though the engine was running, the car wouldn’t drive away – after the first shot. Moreover, if the shooter aimed for the lower portion of the block to begin with, he still wouldn’t have “killed it” instantly.

So, the Ford’s 5.4-litre needs something much more potent than an armor-piercing .50 caliber incendiary bullet to stop it, and lucky the guys came up with a genuine WW2 anti-tank gun to put through its paces. Needless to say, the F-150 is in a better place now.