One could argue that the scariest types of accidents on the road are those that involve people riding on just two wheels.

It’s often with these types of scenarios where lives can easily be lost as the rider is totally exposed. Besides, if the crash is serious enough, not even full body gear can protect you – and being hit head-on by an SUV definitely qualifies as a major accident. Thankfully, this rider managed to survive, albeit suffering a broken pelvis and two broken knees.

The crash took place in Cordoba, Argentina, where the driver of an SUV failed to make a simple, low-speed right turn, plowing directly into the motorcycle rider that was traveling in the opposite lane.

So why did this happen? Well, we have no solid info, so one can only speculate. It could be anything, from being distracted by a passenger, a cell phone, being tired or just incompetent and so on. What we can tell you with certainty is that there wasn’t much the rider could have done, since the SUV plowed directly onto him.

The rider was also lucky not to impact the windshield or any other non-deformable part of the vehicle. Somehow, getting flung into the air instead of getting thrown directly forward or somehow pinned between the car and and the bike seems to have worked in his favor.

And he was, thankfully, wearing a helmet, which is what all riders must do irrespective of their bike. If he weren’t, hitting the tarmac with his head would probably result in a much worse situation…