Now this video from Russia looks like a scene from a dark comedy movie. The police officer, or rather a man dressed as one, stops a car in traffic, only for his buddies inside the car to run out and clear the stopped car of the owner’s belongings…

Watching this for the very first time I didn’t know what to expect – initial thoughts were “this must be an undercover op, that’s why they’re using the black unmarked Hyundai with strongly-tinted glass; oh look, they must be stopping the bad guy who happens to have a dash-mounted camera…”

The scene witnessed here is shocking and it really makes it a scary prospect that can undoubtedly deter tourists from considering a pan-Russian road trip – if this was caught on random dash-cam video then it must be common occurrence that shines a very dim light on driving conditions in Russia, already badly perceived by many.

Dressing up like a cop is shockingly effective to have people do your bidding.
