We’ve learned more about Mafia III, most importantly that, it’s not coming out this year, but in 2016. Undoubtedly with so many such titles out there, you’re wondering whether or not the wait will be worth it.

And by wait, I mean the extra year we have to wait starting now, plus the five years fans of the series have already waited since the second game was launched.

Developer 2K Games showed off a demo at Gamescom 2015, where we got a sneak peek at some gameplay.

It’s not much, and it’s hard to tell what it will be like, but the story (detailed in the videos below) seems intriguing. Driving was not one of the focus points at the presentation, but we do get to see a few glimpses of what the driving is going to be like.

What looked out of place in a Mafia game were the ridiculous explosions caused when the player car hit an enemy’s from the side. Yes, you can flip a car in that manner, but why does it have to blow up like that?

Check out the selection of videos posted below to get all the details on Mafia III.
