A Saudi production company’s video prank of a taxi driver pretending to be a suicide bomber scaring the wits out of passengers, including two young boys, has sparked plenty of anger, and rightfully so.

Purportedly filmed for a local television show, the candid camera pranksters had a bearded actor pose as a cabbie picking up unsuspecting commuters.

During the ride, the driver would lift his shirt revealing what looked like a suicide bomb vest before “telling them that they should not resist and should look forward to going with him to Heaven”, according to Gulf News, with cameras recording their reactions.

The cabbie picked up two teenagers on separate occasions, with the first boy breaking down in tears and the other one, opening the door and jumping out of the rolling car. He then took two adults, who were more proactive subduing the driver and bringing the taxi to a stop, before attempting to call the cops.

The Alalam news site reported that the producers of the video claim the candid camera stunt was made to promote awareness “about the dangers of extremist ideas”, but we sincerely doubt anyone sees it that way and unless the passengers were into it, the fact that a boy jumped out of a moving car, should alert authorities.
