If you’ve ever wondered just how many “bad” drivers there are in the US, this study is here to shine a gigantic spotlight on the matter.

This project was put together by Busbud, as the plan was to strap a camera behind the windshield of a car and take a little ride from Washington DC to New York City. In total, that’s 238 miles (383 km), which took them 4 hours and 39 minutes while driving through Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey and finally NY.

So then just how many drivers were committing errors or flat out violating the rules of the road? The answer to that question is 87.9 out of 100, as 2,561 vehicles were encountered in total.

The total number of violations stood at 2,252, with speeding accounting for most of them (obviously), followed by people changing lanes without using their turn signals. Surprisingly, there weren’t all that many extremely dangerous maneuvers performed, but seen as how there are plenty of traffic fatalities that take place due to simple violations, there really isn’t a silver lining to be found here.

To make matters worse, over 85% of all drivers encountered were exceeding the legal speed limits, and yes, even 5 or 10 mph over the limit can make a difference, especially if you’re getting a ticket.

Other findings include the fact that D.C had fewer traffic violations that any other areas the team passed through, and that almost nobody in Delaware was driving the speed limit – you can see the statistics for each state in the image gallery below.