A judge has shown mercy and revealed his funny side when letting a driver off a parking ticket she was issued.

Chief Judge Frank Caprio from television program Caught In Providence, was faced with a woman who was issued a parking ticket two seconds before being permitted to park her car.

In court, Judge Caprio said “Sarah you have one ticket on Cushing Street, no parking 8 to 10, and you were there at, oh no… I think it was issued at 9.59… and 58 seconds. You can’t park there until 10 o’clock. You violated city ordinances,” he said with a smirk on his face.

The woman fined couldn’t contain her laughter as the Judge sarcastically mentioned that she had taken the wrong path in life to which she responded “My car clock said 10!”

Judge Caprio ultimately dismissed the case saying that 9:59 was close enough to 10.