With professional car thieves able to steal just about anything in a very short amount of time, it’s always reassuring to know that your car can at least put up a fight vocally.

Of course, car alarms are for more than just preventing the unthinkable. Some people just don’t want anybody getting too close to their ride, which is even more understandable if said ride is a supercar like the Audi R8.

This particular model will play the Star Wars theme (Imperial March Theme to be precise) when somebody walks by at too close a distance, which is fitting seen as how the car is black and looks menacing, almost as if it wants to remind us about a certain evil character.

Conveniently enough, this R8 is parked between a new-generation model and a Lamborghini Huracan Spyder, so it’s basically one big happy family being kept safe by the half humorous, half intimidating (sort of) alarm.

As expected, the people passing by do take notice and turn around, though we’re surprised to see they didn’t get a huge kick out of it.

H/T to Driss Romain Dinar