You know that moment when you find yourself boxed in between two other vehicles, and you just know you’re going to spend the next half minute or so rocking back and forth trying to get out?

Yeah this driver here wasn’t having any of that in his fancy third-generation Ford Mondeo. In fact, they got out of out there so quick and easy, it almost looks like something out of a street magic TV special.

Fear not though, there’s nothing fundamentally different about this Mondeo, and no telepaths were in the area either (presumably!). What happened was actually pretty simple and it involved a fifth wheel.

The footage comes from Brazil, and doing all the work was a spare wheel, positioned inside the trunk, perpendicular to the rest of the tires. All the driver did was to manipulate this wheel via an electric motor.

Believe it or not, this trick actually dates back to the 1950s, when an inventor in California came up with the idea of putting the spare tire to work. As far as we’re concerned, it’s as interesting to see today as it was more than half a century ago, and in a way, it even puts these ultra-modern self parking systems to shame.