Currently one of the hottest cars on the planet, the Ferrari LaFerrari’s brutal performance is still leaving us awe struck, months after it was unveiled.

With 950 hp and just 1,255 kg / 2,767 lbs to lug around it accelerates at an insane rate that’s eloquently illustrated in the selection of videos posted below.

The first, courtesy of EVO, is also the most recent and most relevant, though you have to wait through an uninteresting Bentley acceleration run before seeing the Ferrari – you can just skip to the 2:50 minute mark if you can’t bare it.

The second is shot onboard and it sees the LaFerrari hit 213 mph, or 344 km/h. Again, this video uploaded by YouTube user David Yu, highlights the car’s mad straight line pace, and it’s always better when you can see the readout so you know exactly how fast it’s going.

Finally, the Motorsport Magazine video simply focuses on the digital dials as the car is taken up to 124 mph or 200 km/h.
