Brake checking is an idiotic thing to do, but that didn’t stop one driver in Europe from harassing a semi.

As you can see in this clip, the semi is driving on a two lane highway and goes to pass another truck. This only takes about 15 seconds, but it appears this was long enough to make another driver furious. After the semi returns to the right lane, a car pulls into the lane ahead of them.

Also Read: Honda Civic Brake Checks Hummer H2 And Instantly Regrets It

The semi driver flashes his brights at the car and this causes them to slam on the brakes. The semi then flashes the brights a second time and moves into the left lane to the pass the car.

The other driver is clearly upset at this point, so they also move into the left lane to block the semi from passing. The semi returns to the right lane and so does the car as the semi driver continues to flash his lights.

The car then brake checks the semi and this goes about as poorly as you’d imagine. Without enough room to stop, the semi slams into the rear end of the car which then pulls into a turn off. This also doesn’t go as planned as the car doesn’t stop before crashing into a barrier.

There’s no word on what happened next, but hopefully the driver learned not to brake check others – especially if they’re driving a semi.