When it comes to close calls in traffic, seeing a large truck and thinking that there’s no way it’s not going to impact your vehicle, probably ranks somewhere near the top.

This incident took place earlier this week in Arkhangelsk, Russia, where the conditions were difficult, to say the least. The slippery surface certainly contributed to the dump truck driver losing control – though other factors could also have been at play.

Up until the split second in which the truck makes contact with the pole by the side of the road, a direct impact with the dashcam car seemed unavoidable.

Even with seat belts on and a 5-star NCAP rating, that’s not the type of hit you would want to experience in a small passenger vehicle. We can only imagine what was going through the mind of the driver in those brief moments before the pole came to their rescue.

As for the person driving the dump truck, it’s possible they might have been going a little too quickly for these types of road/weather conditions. Hopefully, the lesson was learned.