Auto enthusiasts frequently going to car meets are the motorized version of sports fans that rarely miss out on their favorite team’s match.

As with said sports enthusiasts, car fanatics are known to stick to their team no matter what, and are pretty sensitive to derogatory jokes from their “opponents.”

Honda fans are among those most attached to the brand they love, so it comes as no surprise that they get pretty defensive when someone takes a shot at their rides. Imagine their surprise when a San Diego police officer used a Honda joke to break off a car meet.

In the video posted on Reddit by a participant, we see a San Diego Police Department Ford Police Interceptor driving through the parking lot of a shopping mall and announcing car enthusiasts they needed to leave the premises because the mall was about to close.

While that announcement could have been made in a number of ways, the police officer chose to do it by taking a stab at Honda owners. “You don’t have to go home but you got to get out of here, especially if you drive a slow Honda,” were the words that immediately made the crowd burst out laughing.

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The joke was not only good (sorry, Honda owners), but it also served to diffuse a potentially tense situation. No one protested and everyone left the parking lot safely.

As if to let participants know he was more a fan of American cars than a Honda hater, the policeman let out a second warning: “If you drive a V8, I’ll give you a two-minute head start.” Good job, officer.