When it comes to car crashes, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and the more dangerous they are to other drivers. It’s normal then for something like a semi truck with a trailer to take the cake, because once it tips over and maintains its momentum, it basically becomes a battering ram that cannot be stopped.

This incident here took place last week in Omsk, Russia, and as you can see, the semi took at least one unlucky motorist with it on its unfortunate journey across the tarmac.

The description of the video states that nobody was injured and that two cars crashed into the trailer (or rather the other way around), but the footage only shows one vehicle getting struck, a silver sedan (looks like a Nissan Primera) whose driver failed to get out of the way in time.

The sliding trailer clipped that sedan’s rear bumper before continuing on its way towards the dashcam vehicle. Thankfully, the latter managed to steer clear with barely a moment to spare.

Also watch: Silverado Drives In The Wrong Lane, Gets Smashes By Oncoming Semi

As for why this happened in the first place, a lot of factors could have been at play.

We can see that the semi was turning right just before tipping over, which means that centrifugal forces were already causing it to lean away from the direction of the turn. Add to that an improperly balanced load, strong wind conditions or perhaps too much speed and you’ve definitely got a problem.