If you want to be a successful car thief nowadays, you need to be up to date with the latest technological advancements. After all, cars aren’t as easy to steal as they used to be, and that’s great for honest car owners.

However, it seems that not every person that chooses this line of “work” is knowledgeable about how modern cars function. The following video will prove that merely stealing the keys to a car doesn’t guarantee the success of the operation.

It happened in Canada, where a thief broke into a man’s gym locker room, stole the keys to his car (along with the wallet, phone and clothes), found the vehicle in the parking lot and drove away in it. He didn’t do too much driving, actually, as one thing puzzled him: the car’s electric parking brake was on and he didn’t know how to release it.

How do we know all this stuff happened? Luckily for the owner (and us), the car had a working dashcam installed, apparently something the thief wasn’t aware of either. The recording provides a rare insight into the mind of a car thief – correction, into the mind of one of the dumbest car thieves out there.

As he drove away, a chime let him know the e-brake was partially activated. He stopped the car, but instead of releasing the brake, he panicked and pulled it up harder. As a result, he broke off the release tab and permanently set the e-brake to full, with the result being the rear wheels getting locked.

As you can imagine, from that point on the video got really interesting so we’ll just let you watch it. We’ll only say that basic things like defogging the windshield and using the wipers correctly also proved to be operations beyond the thief’s comprehension.