In case anybody needed reminding, street racing is not just illegal, since it takes places on public roads, but also an extremely dangerous activity that potentially puts others in harm’s way.

Those who choose to partake are not only risking their own lives or their vehicles, but also the lives of innocent bystanders, whether they were there to watch or simply just passing by.

At the same time, the fact that you can kick start an entire blockbuster movie franchise on the heels of this phenomenon just goes to show how popular it is among risk-taking petrolheads, which is ultimately bad since people are been injured (or worse…) as a direct result of street racing every year.

Fortunately, this incident, while horrible to watch, did not result in the driver of the car losing his life, and seen as how he actually got to walk away after his Mustang (an old, third-gen model that’s clearly seen much better days) was literally split in half, he should consider himself extremely lucky.

According to the description of the video, his injuries included a broken jaw, some missing teeth and a broken shoulder – definitely not pleasant, but again, a small price to pay for walking away from what could have easily been a fatal crash. On this particular occasion, it was actually a good thing that so many people were around to help.